Are You Still Using NGO Connect?

Are You Still Using NGO Connect?

In late 2020, Salesforce announced the retirement of nonprofit CRM, NGO Connect (NGOC). NGOC, along with Advancement Connect and foundationConnect, was acquired by Salesforce in early 2019 as a part of the roundCorner acquisition.
NGOC laid the groundwork for many nonprofits, and dozens of companies and users have used the software for years and still use it today. Their data, procedures, and routines are deeply rooted in NGOC’s processes.

While it is never easy to make a big change, especially one as tedious and precise as switching the core business software to a new one, the benefits of implementing a new and improved software greatly outweigh the cost of sticking with an outdated one.

As NGOC gets phased out as a result of its retirement, many companies who are currently integrated with the software will need to begin looking for a new platform.

Choosing the Right Platform

Nonprofits who are now in the market for their next software after NGOC should focus on solutions that offer scalability, customization, and efficient data storage options. Additionally, a platform that pinpoints the specific needs of nonprofits, such as fundraising, marketing, and donor retention will be essential.

There are hundreds of different platforms available to customers, and with so many options, it can be difficult to know which one will be the best fit for your company. At Ekartha, we can help you decide which platform is the best for you from a migration perspective and from a future-oriented perspective.

In addition to choosing a new software, companies will soon have to plan a migration from NGOC to their new platform, and they will then need to learn how to navigate the new platform. A task of this size has the potential to be a stressful and daunting experience, but the experts at Ekartha are here to help you every step of the way in making the change.

Our team members have thorough knowledge and many years of experience in nonprofit software implementation and similar transformations. Throughout the years, in the ever-changing timeline of technology, we’ve seen the introduction of new software and the retirement of the old time and time again. For years, we’ve helped many companies with the migration process and we know how to make the transition from old to new as smooth and easy as possible. To begin, we will educate your team about what resources are available to you and discuss the effects the software change can have on business processes, such as new features and improved functionality.

During implementation, we will guide you through each part of the process. We will review your current system so we can gain a firm understanding of who you are as an organization and what your current processes and software usage is like. Based off of this information, we will plan with you the best migration strategy. We will engage with you and work with your team to help your users learn the new system. Once you have made the transition and are comfortable with the new system, we will then look at ways that you can take advantage of features and add-ons that will allow you to better compete in the industry.

Migrating doesn’t have to be miserable. At Ekartha, we look forward to helping you make the right technology decisions to grow and advance your missions every day.

Technology change is inevitable, Ekartha helps you to reduce the unpredictability from embracing the change. Talk to us today and take advantage of the no cost, absolutely free of charge assessment of your NGOC – NPSP migration strategy.

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