Why nonprofit organizations should invest in technology to stay relevant?

Why nonprofit organizations should invest in technology to stay relevant?

It’s no secret that technology is the future. Every day, more and more processes are becoming reliant on digital solutions. However, even with the clear need for technology in any size of company, nonprofits included, some still do not have adequate software or technological resources for their demands.
A nonprofit that is not utilizing technology may not for many reasons: Cost of software implementation, unawareness of the software type needed for the nonprofit, general unawareness of how to use software, belief that one’s nonprofit is “too small” to need full technology packages, belief that the nonprofit’s specific audience would not be receptive to large amounts of technology, etc.
Regardless of these reasons, there is an inescapable need for technology in any company or nonprofit. Nonprofits, as much as any for-profit company, need to have the most efficient, cost-effective solutions and processes in order to thrive. Software and technology are needed to reach these levels of efficiency. No matter who your donors or anyone who has an interest in your company are, they are going to be steeped in current high-level digital solutions and will have expectations that your organization will be as streamlined, efficient, and relevant as other companies in this tech-driven world. A nonprofit organization with a firm technology foundation can meet these expectations.

Technology helps nonprofits be more digital
In order to grow your nonprofit, gain more support, and further your cause, you must have the technology to attract and sustain that growth and retain that support. Making your company digital is vital step in this growth. Digital solutions automate processes, increasing efficiency and productivity in ways that would be impossible manually. Digital solutions create websites and user interfaces that are smooth and user friendly. Software can give you tools to make your goals clear, concise, exciting to read about. The right software can provide you ways to publish your story and advertise on popular platforms and thus stimulate greater reach and more opportunities to promote your company to wider audiences. It can even target specific audiences differently, and fit ways they can get involved with their unique lifestyles. Going digital will streamline your company’s processes, such as collecting donations, sending out newsletters and eblasts, and storing all types of data.

Technology helps nonprofits better use their digital tools
Most people and organizations already have a good arsenal of digital tools. Nearly every organization will have a computer, or an iPad, or a smartphone. Even if you have just one of these tools, they are a powerhouse of technology and, with the right software, you can use them to their full advantage.

Technology helps nonprofits get better donors and retain support
Along with passionate leaders, a strong cause, and a drive to help make the world a better place, nonprofits need donors who believe in their cause. Every goal that your nonprofit has will need the help of donations from those who support your work. Technology allows your company to make your brand and story inspiring, appealing, and interactive to potential donors in many ways, such as through websites, communication with leaders, videos, and advertisements. Once you draw traffic to your homepage, letting them arrive at an easy-to-navigate, cleanly laid out website is a great first step to getting supporters informed of your beliefs and getting them on board with your cause. The next step of having a smooth, transparent, and secure sign-up and donation page is crucial to gaining long-term donors and supporters. If your site or donation procedure is buggy, complicated, or difficult to understand, you could lose potential sponsors.

Technology helps nonprofits better see how their programs are doing
With structured databases and spreadsheets, technology allows nonprofits to easily and efficiently track their progress with donations, events, website traffic, outreach online, social media, and more. Executives will have access to the finest detail of budgets and see what areas are improving and where more funds need to be allotted. Digital solutions can support and streamline countless event planning needs, such as sign ups, reminders, attendance trackers, and follow-ups. With these solutions, you will have the ability to track engagement online and view which aspects of websites are generating the most interest and activity. Marketing tools can generate compelling advertisements to audiences on a broad range of platforms, and then track responses and provide click-through statistics. The right software gives you access to every aspect of your nonprofit, thoroughly reviews progress, and allows you to constantly keep moving forward.

The right technology can focus on needs specific to nonprofits
Non-profits have different goals and demands than for-profit companies and thus need different solutions. You can find a customizable solution to support your unique cases and goals. As a nonprofit, updates and newsletters are needed to inform donors on where and how well their contributions have been used. Software can streamline the emailing and updating process, making it quick and efficient and allowing your sponsors to always be kept fully in the loop. Fundraising is a pillar of nonprofits and digital solutions can break down fundraising so you can track goals, budgets, and event progress. You can gain insights into campaign performance by generating reports based on supporters’ demographics and lifestyle characteristics. To keep track of your donors, software can let you view donor records and responses, and measure a donor’s engagement level, and then can store all donor information in an organized database for future reference. Technology solutions designed by people who possess a deep understanding of the requirements of nonprofits are being developed and enhanced daily, and are ready to help maximize your nonprofit’s potential.

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