5 Ways Professional Services Can Benefit Nonprofit Organization

Ekartha Provides Staffing Help to Nonprofit Organizations

5 Ways Professional Services Can Benefit Nonprofit Organization

A dedicated staff and employee base will make or break your company. As a nonprofit, your team may be volunteer-based, or be requested to work odd hours or extra hours all on an unpredictable schedule. It is crucial to find the type of people who can thrive in this type of work environment. It is equally important to find people who care about your nonprofit’s cause and are willing to put in the effort to support it. Unsurprisingly, this is no easy task. Finding exceptional team members is a complicated and a stressful process. But by working with a staffing agency, you can find the perfect fit for your company without the hassle of handling it all yourself. No matter the size of your nonprofit, staffing services can help you improve on many levels.

  1. Save time
    Organizing and managing a nonprofit is more than a full-time job. Chances are your workdays have often gone much longer than eight hours. Meanwhile, hiring good team members is an extremely important part of any company, and needs to be allotted the appropriate amount of time. But if you already have an overflowing plate, you’re not going to have the time that needs to be dedicated to searching for reliable employees. If the process is rushed, you may very well end up with the wrong candidate, which will result in many hours of productivity lost in the long run.

    Staffing services are focused on the goal of hiring great employees. They have the resources and databases ready to find the ideal match for your company. They know how to streamline the process of searching for and discovering the best candidates on the market. With these experts handling all aspects of finding the best talent available, you can dedicate your time to the other needs of your company.
  1. Gain advantages as a small nonprofit
    Sometimes small nonprofits do not have the need for a full HR division. Instead of having to put together a full HR team, or find a full-time HR manager to direct the hiring process, utilizing staffing services will find the employees you need with just a part-time HR associate, or in some cases, no HR associate at all.
  1. Find temporary help for busy seasons
    Nonprofits often need short term help. For example, if you’re hosting a fundraiser, you will need to find volunteers or workers for planning and running one big event. Once the preparation and event is over, you may not need the same amount of employees you initially hired. Many nonprofits also have a busy season, such as in the summer when they will be setting up fairs or walk-a-thons where more people will be participating and donating. Seasonal help is usually in high demand for nonprofits. A staffing firm specializes in finding excellent candidates for your company, even if it is for just a season. Staffing firms can find candidates who have sufficient training and are ready to jump in immediately, so your company will save time on training and onboarding a new employee. The firms also handle offboarding and guiding an employee to their next career move, once the busy seasons subside.

    Staffing experts also greatly benefit the employee because, once hired, the new employee will gain work experience, and they may turn out to be a better fit to the company than expected. If this happens, they will then have the potential to continue past the busy season, and the opportunity to join full time.
  1. Get passionate employees
    Although finding a person with the specific set of skills you’re searching for will take time, the good news is there are many talented people out there who have exactly what you’re looking for. There are many candidates searching for jobs who want to join good organizations, who believe in your cause, and who want to be a part of what your company is doing. Finding these people requires research, job postings, emails, several rounds of calls, interviews, and follow-ups. But with a staffing service taking on the full responsibility of these tasks, you can be confident you’re finding the right people.
  1. Save money with affordable rates
    Staffing firms have an immense amount of experience working with companies of all sizes and budgets. They can exceed your expectations at a reasonable rate. With the help of a staffing firm, your energy will not be going to hosting job fairs, onboarding, performing background tests, or the dozens of other steps in the hiring process. Staffing agencies will be managing the process from start to finish. With the time saved and top-tier team members gained, they are fully worth the cost.

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